Saturday, February 2, 2013

Diorshow Maximizer Lash Plumping Serum

My Make-Up routine changes constantly.  I change my foundation, my eyeshadow, my lipstick on a pretty regular basis, but one thing has stayed constant throughout the past 5 months or so - the Diorshow Maximizer Lash Plumping Serum ($28).

This basically acts as a primer for your mascara, coating your lashes in white and grabbing them all.  It adds some volume to your lashes and lengthens them, as well.  So, when you put your mascara on, your lashes look unbelievable.

This is a great product for people with non-substantial lashes, but it's also really nice for people who do have pretty good lashes already.  My lashes are quite long and pretty thick on their own, so when I put this on they look unreal.  People often comment on how long my lashes are and I give a lot of credit to this!

I really enjoy using this and will definitely repurchase it when the time comes :)

bloglovin' l hellocotton
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  1. Great review. I really love the entire Diorshow line but haven't tried this yet.

    1. Yeah, it's the only thing I've tried so far, but I'm really curious to see if the rest of the line is as good as this!
