Sunday, February 3, 2013

My Week in Review #1

I thought I would make up a small post once a week, looking back at what my favorite product, TV Show/Movie, Book/Magazine, and Song were, and of course, keep you up to date with my newest item added to the ever-growing wishlist!  I got this idea from Viviannadoesmakeup and I thought it was a cool idea, hope she doesn't care that I'm stealing it :)

So, this week was beyond stressful; it's finals time in Germany and I had 2 tests this week, one was even on a Saturday (that's just cruel), so I've been heavily relying on a few indulgences this week.

My Best Product of the Week:  I'm cheating a bit on this, I'm choosing a line rather than one product, which is the L'Oreal Rouge Caresse Line (€9.95 each), I bought 3 different shades over the past week (oops) and I'm highly impressed, they're tinted lip balms, but they last and they're pretty pigmented, as well!

My Must-Watch of the Week:   I re-discovered 30 Rock this week (the week it ends - nice one, Bryn), I've always loved the show, but I just didn't stick with it over this last season, but I watched the last 10 episodes of the season (in about 2 days, mind) and I was just reminded of what a comedic genius Tina Fey is! 

My Must-Read of the Week:     Everyone is going to think I'm such a nerd, but I don't care; I started reading The Lord of the Rings a few weeks ago and I'm seriously enjoying it.  I grew up watching the cartoon versions of the films, and then I remember I went and saw all of the films in theaters with my mom when they came out 10 years ago (eek, I feel old), so I thought I would finally get around to reading them - I finished reading The Two Towers this week and just started reading The Return of the King!

My Must-Listen of the Week:    I'm cheating again and picking two: Flaws by Bombay Bicycle Club (especially the songs Flaws, Jewel, and Ivy & Gold, all three are so good) and the Les Misérables Soundtrack from the movie that recently came out (which is amazing, by the way, see it if you haven't already), I especially like the song Empty Chairs At Empty Tables, though it's quite depressing...

My Must-Buy of the Week:       I never really get into the MAC Limited Edition Collections when they come out, but for some reason I'm falling in love with a lot of things from the Après Chic Collection, which is a shame as it's basically sold out, but I'm determined to find the Après Chic Lipstick, though I doubt it'll happen, but fingers crossed!

That's it for week #1, I think this will be a good way of keeping up with some good beauty products, as well as adding a little more of myself into the blog :)

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