Saturday, February 16, 2013

The MAC Attack Haul

Over the past few weeks, I walked into MAC more times than anyone ever needs to in their entire life.  I'm pretty sure all the MUAs at my local MAC know me as the make-up obsessed American that constantly walks in and swatches everything in store.  Of course, I can't leave MAC empty handed, that would just be wrong...

I'm pretty sure I was in MAC about 5 times over the past two weeks, so I accumulated quite a large amount of stuff in that time period, which makes me happy, but my bank account sad :( I like to deem this two week period as my 'MAC Attack', as I went absolutely crazy about everything MAC, I really couldn't be controlled.

Moving on to the products, I got 4 new lipsticks (yes, 4 - which is actually almost as many as I owned previously to these little excursions).  What can I say? I'm a lipstick fiend, always on the search for the perfect lipstick -- but hey, who isn't?

The first lipstick I got was Craving ($15/€19), which MAC describes as a Burst of Plum, but I think there's a bit of red in there, as well.  It's an Amplified Creme finish, so it's very pigmented, but quite moisturizing, too!  More of a winter shade, but after I saw Lily Pebbles post a FOTD with this, I had to have it (so easily influenced...).

The next lipstick, See Sheer, was also influenced by a FOTD post, but this time it was from Essiebutton.  Seriously, anytime she posts anything, I immediately have to go out and buy it, it's an issue.  This is described as a Grapefruit Pink, but I would consider it more of a coral color.

Next, I have Lady Bug, which MAC describes as a Yellow Tomato, whatever that means.  It's a slightly warm-toned red, but as it's a Lustre finish (as is See Sheer, by the way!), it's pretty sheer.  I think it would be a good beginner red shade, which is why I decided to get it, since it would be a good way of easing myself into the red lipstick family :)

The final lipstick I got was On Hold, which was a total spur of the moment purchase (but aren't those the best?).  MAC describes this as a Mid-tone Yellow Raspberry, which is pretty accurate, but I will say that this is a bright shade, though perfect for Spring/Summer.  It's a Creamsheen finish, so it's decently pigmented, but also quite hydrating on the lips!

Moving onto blush - I picked up two: Warm Soul and Pinch Me.

Warm Soul ($25/€25) is a Mineralize Blush. which was also a purchase inspired by Essiebutton.  This is described as a Mid tone beige with gold pearl, which is pretty accurate, I would call it more of a peach than a beige, though.  It has gorgeous shimmer running through it, which does translate to the skin, making highlighting unessential, which is something I love about this product, but it's something to beware of if you don't like shimmery blushes!  This was my first ever MAC blush and I'm completely falling in love with it :)

Pinch Me ($21/€23.50) is a Sheertone blush, which is meant to be the least pigmented of MAC blushes, I will say that it's definitely sheerer than any of my other blushes that I use on a day to day basis.  However, it looks super pigmented when the brush picks up the product, I'm talking full on super pink on the brush, but it doesn't really apply that heavily to the skin.  Even when I swatched it with my finger, my pointer finger looked like I dipped my finger pad in nail polish or something, but it came across quite subtly as I swatched it on my hand.  MAC describes it as a Medium dirty rose coral, which I would agree with.  It's a bit more rose than coral, in my opinion, but it works well with my fair skin tone.  I didn't do any research previous to buying this (bad move), but I found out this is generally loved by those with darker skin tones (mainly Indian women), so I was a bit nervous about it, but it does look quite nice on my NC15-20 skin.  I made sure to use a light hand when applying it, but it's definitely not too dark or clown-like on my face!

That's the end of this never-ending MAC haul! I can't believe how much I bought :/ Oh, well, I can honestly say there's not much else I want from MAC at the moment, so hopefully my bank account will be safe for now...

 bloglovin' l hellocotton
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  1. Oooh these all look amazing! I don't have very much stuff from MAC, but I'm seriously tempted... I'm sure one day I'll snap and buy a ton of things that have been on my list for years! Haha :)

  2. Yeah, that was me, too. I didn't have too much from MAC and then all of the sudden I had to have it all! It made me happy, but now my bank account feels sad :(
