Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Sunday Session #2

This past week has been a bit crazy in Germany.  Next week is Karneval/Fastnacht/Fasching (whatever you want to call it), which is a huge celebration in Germany, where everyone dresses up in costumes and drinks an unreal amount of alcohol.  I've experienced this celebration once before in Germany, and it's a bit overwhelming, to say the least.

Therefore, in preparation of the super scary times I'll be having tomorrow in the city center (of course, I just happen to live in one of the biggest Karneval cities in Germany...), I'm going to take today to prepare myself.

My Supplies
I'm going to have a bit of a pamper session, by using two of my current favorite masks: the Aesop Parsley Seed Cleansing Masque and the REN Glycol Lactic Radiance Renewal Mask.  The Parsley Seed mask will help to cleanse my skin even further than my usual cleanser can and sort of 'refresh' my skin, then the REN mask will just give my skin this gorgeous radiance, seriously love this stuff.

I've also decided to give my body a pamper and use the LUSH Soft Coeur Massage Bar.  This is divine, there's chocolate bits in it, so it's so nice to use as it makes your skin smell amazing!  Of course, I don't think I could use a chocolate massage bar and not snack on some chocolate.  Unfortunately, I don't have any chocolate in my apartment, so I'm settling for some After Eights, but I'm not complaining :)

I also get to partake in my favorite Sunday activity by far - cleaning my brushes.  Okay, that was a total lie, but I've got to do it at some point, might as well be tonight.

Then I'm going to pain my nails with a new polish: Barracuda by Sally Hansen, it look like a gorgeous robin egg blue, so I'm excited to try it out!  I'll also be (of course) having a new candle lit throughout the entire experience - Log Fire from Muji, currently in love with this scent for my last little dose of winter!

I'm off to start the routine while watching Dan In Real Life - love that film :)

Any Sunday pampering happening for you?

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